Our solution for all users

We help the world’s leading organizations invest their money

Wealth Management
Investment Management

Welcome to UMB Investments Holdings

UMB Investment Holdings Limited (UMB IHL) previously Merban Investment Holdings Ltd. was incorporated on 5th December, 1975. UMB IHL is an investment management and advisory firm licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Industry Law (PNDC Law 333) and registered with the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) as a Pension Fund Manager.

Our major clients comprise of individuals and corporate institutions both resident in Ghana and abroad ranging from insurance companies, banks, non- bank financial institutions to other institutions of high repute i.e. church groups, professional associations, NGO’s, etc.

What we do

Our product and service portfolio is driven by our comprehensive knowledge of the economic climate and the different needs of our clients, both locally and internationally; from high net worth individuals to multinational corporations.

Market values

Fund TypeDateClosing (Bid) Price
UMB BALANCED FUND03-03-20250.4856

We are reachable

you can reach us, top-up your balance and enjoy our services using your mobile phone

Reach us on WhatsApp

Simply message us via WhatsApp on 0555256051 and enjoy the convenience and flexibility.

Top-up with Momo

You can top-up your balanced fund account anytime anywhere through our MOMO number 0245092815


CBG account holders can now make payments into their UMB Balanced Fund accounts either from a CBG account directly or through their mobile money wallet using the USSD code *924*14#

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