Our Business
UMB IHL is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as Fund Manager and registered by the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) as a Pension Fund Manager. Our Asset Management team offers a wide variety of investment management services across several product suites. This enables us to meet the investment management needs and goals of every client.
Our asset management solutions include Collective Investment Schemes, Pensions, Provident Funds and Other Institutional Funds. Our team of experienced and licensed investment professionals offer professional investment advice and execute investments based on sound research.
Our Services
Financial security in retirement doesn’t just happen. It takes planning and commitment: Start a retirement plan today by investing in UMB Balanced Fund.
Collective Investment Schemes, either in the form of Mutual Funds or Unit Trusts, are investment products managed by a licensed fund manager that pool investors funds together and invest in assets such as bonds, equities, Government of Ghana securities and other money market instruments. All collective investment schemes in Ghana are licensed by SEC.
UMB IHL currently has one active Mutual Fund –UMB Balanced Fund, with two others – UMB Income Fund; UMB Bond Fund currently being reviewed by SEC pending approval.
The UMB Balanced Fund is an open-ended mutual fund which invests in both Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) listed equities and money market instruments. This mutual fund is structured to preserve capital through the stable returns offered by money market instruments, and also leverage on the upside of the equity market to drive strong growth. The fund therefore helps to maximise returns and also provides a safety net against market – related risks.
The term limit of the fund is set at a minimum of thirty-six (36) months or three (3) years to enable an investor to earn appreciable returns. The UMB Balanced Fund is also a good platform for investors to prepare for retirement and/or related long term financial needs.
UMB IHL offers Government of Ghana Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds both from the primary market and secondary market. These are risk-free instruments issued by the Government of Ghana with fixed rate of returns over a defined period.
Government of Ghana Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds currently available include:
- Treasury Bills: 91 Day, 182 Day and 364 Day Treasury Bills
- Notes: 2 Year Note
- Bonds: 3 Year, 5 Year, 6 Year, 7 Year, 10 Year, 15 Year and 20 Year Bonds
UMB IHL is registered and licensed as a Pension Fund Manager by the National Pensions regulatory Authority (NPRA) and also by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The mandatory Tier 2 Occupational Scheme and the voluntary Tier 3 Scheme are operated by Fund Managers and approved Trustees licensed by NPRA.
A total of 18.5% of workers basic monthly salary is remitted for both Tier1 and Tier 2. Out of the 18.5%, the worker contributes 5.5% and the employer contributes 13%. The employer remits 13.5% of the 18.5% to SSNIT to manage as Tier 1 and the remaining 5% is remitted to approved Trustees to be managed privately as Tier 2. Additionally, any contribution up to 16.5% of one’s basic monthly salary towards a voluntary Tier 3 Scheme receives a tax break.
UMB IHL as Fund Manager works with licensed Corporate Trustees and Trustees of Employer Sponsored Schemes to assist members of such schemes retire with enhanced pension packages.
UMB IHL has a dedicated Pensions Department offering free pension migration services to the Tier 2 and 3 pension schemes. These funds are invested in prescribed portfolios as per the NPRA regulations. Investment policy statements are developed, and investment objectives also aligned with the risk profile, asset allocation, return expectations and liquidity needs of the investors.
We offer the following pension related services:
- Structuring portfolios based on the risk profile, with consent from trustees.
- Educating employees on the three-tiered scheme and its benefits.
- Regularly updating scheme members on changes in regulatory guidelines.
Provident funds involve the pooling of funds/contributions from employees or members of an organization into a fund on regular basis for investment in short, medium and long-term high-yielding instruments that generate healthy returns. This serves as a vehicle for employees’ financial growth and security, and to supplement their incomes during retirement, and also forms part of staff retention packages of institutions and organisations.
Our team of experienced professionals are in a position to assist institutions and organisations in setting up their provident funds with the aim of investing in short, medium and long-term instruments which will ultimately generate superior returns. UMB IHL as fund managers actively manages the data of members and their monthly contributions, from which individual statements of accounts are prepared and submitted periodically to members as may be agreed with the Board of Trustees.
We understand the peculiarities, complexities and the savviness of institutions within the investment community. In that regard UMB IHL is flexible, ready to listen and develop customised investment packages for the market as the need arises.
Based on the investing capital of the client, discussions would be done to agree on a favourable return rate, with special focus on your investments based on your financial objectives.
Our institutional and individual portfolio management proposition includes:
- The setup of the fund
- Investment Policy design
- Template for Trust Deeds
- Fund rules and regulations
- Individual member accounting or administration where applicable or a relationship manager you can always reach to handle matters of your investments
Our Experience
Balanced Fund of the Year 2016 by Ghana Investment Awards (GIA) | UMB Balanced Fund ranks amongst the Top 5 performing balanced Funds in Ghana | Currently manage 8 Tier 2 and 3 Tier 3 Pension Schemes, and 13 Provident Funds |
Our People

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Locate Us
1 Abdul Diouf Street, South Ridge, Accra, Ghana
P.O.Box CT 1317, Cantonments
(+233) 302-251-137
(+233) 302-251-138
(+233) 302-964-904